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Februar 2016.

Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 10.2.2016. 17:30

10/02 – 17:00 - Setting the missile on fire and launching Gobo - CARNIVAL
5th Carnival Flags Festival, Mošćenička Draga

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Februar 2015.

Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 18.2.2015.

The program of Carnival Wednesday in Mošćenička Dear begins at 17:30 on Wednesday, February 18 with the launch of Gobo (carnival dummy), there will be a Festival of carnival flag and firework. The celebration will continue at the Marina Hotel, along with traditional feast w. cod and dance with Trio Vox, from 19:00.

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März 2014.

Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 5.3.2014.

Mošćenička Draga organizes anniversary carnival event "40 years of Gobo". At 18:00 starts Review of carnival flags, followed by firing of rocket with Gobo, fireworks, delicious cod and dance at the Marina Hotel.


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August 2013.

Mošćenička DragaFreitag, 16.8.2013. - 18.8.2013.

From Friday to Sunday in Mošćenička Draga will be held Fishermen Weekend. On Friday at 19 h on the beach Sveti Ivan will take place Aqua Zumba Party with DJ Studio 54, a day later, on Saturday, in the Draga waterfront at 19 h will begin Fishermen night with Latino band. On Sunday from 19 hours - DJ music, and competitions in rowing and swimming, Klapa Nevera from 21.00, Littoral games and DJ Studio 24 until midnight.

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Juli 2013.

Mošćenička DragaSonntag, 21.7.2013. 21:00

Big Fisherman fest in Mošećenička Draga will be held on 21 July 2013 With the traditionally rich gastronomic offer, people will have fun you Klapa Maslina.

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Februar 2013.

Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 13.2.2013. 17:30

The traditional burning of the carnival doll takes place on Ash Wednesday. In Mošćenička Draga which is celebrating this event for the 37th year, the famous Gobo – the character guilty for everything - will be once again put into a rocket and launched into space!

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Juli 2012.

Mošćenička DragaDienstag, 17.7.2012. - 22.7.2012.

To 22 July is celebrated Marinina - Days Mošćenička Draga!
Program under more ...

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Juni 2012.

Mošćenička DragaFreitag, 29.6.2012. - 30.6.2012.

Riva in Mošćenička Draga, Saturday, the 30th June 2012
12:00 - equipping boats and workshops of traditional maritime skills
14:30 - Start of the regatta of traditional boats to sail
17:00 to 20:00 - Workshop of traditional maritime skills
17:00 to 22:00 - eco-fair folk products
19:00 - opening special exhibitions, gallery of eco-museum in founding and the waterfront
"The regatta of traditional boats with sails, black - white motives" - Nikica Karas
"The old people of the Dragas" - Edvin Rutar, Department of the Chakawian Assembly Mosc.. Draga
19:30 - fisherman's dinner, along with littoral music, and hanging out friends of the sea,
traditional boats, sails and sailing skills with giveaway
Plays "Trio Boom"

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Februar 2012.

Riva, Mošćenička DragaMittwoch, 22.2.2012. 17:30

Burning of the carnival dummy in Mošćenička Draga is a spectacle that has existed since the departure of man on the moon. The culprit for all the evil is launched "live" in twenty meters rocket. The arranged trial release "that he is to blame for everything" - his name is Gobo.

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August 2011.

Mošćenička DragaFreitag, 26.8.2011. 21:00

Stiven Vunić and Ad Natura: Chile & Patagonia
Marko Žele & Band: Mexico and Central America
Riccardo Staraj and Bruno Mičetić: America, the highway west, and urban street blues
Guests: Ema Gregov and Andrea Trbojevic
The projection of images, video, music and poetry, stories and narratives
Sponsors: TZ Moscenicka Draga and the Italian Community M. Draga

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