Fishermen Weekend at Moscenicka Draga
16.8.2013. - 18.8.2013.
Mošćenička Draga
Mošćenička Draga
From Friday to Sunday in Mošćenička Draga will be held Fishermen Weekend. On Friday at 19 h on the beach Sveti Ivan will take place Aqua Zumba Party with DJ Studio 54, a day later, on Saturday, in the Draga waterfront at 19 h will begin Fishermen night with Latino band. On Sunday from 19 hours - DJ music, and competitions in rowing and swimming, Klapa Nevera from 21.00, Littoral games and DJ Studio 24 until midnight.
Aggiunto: 15.08.2013 01:01
ultima modifica: 15.08.2013 01:01