Archivio Eventi
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Febbraio 2013.
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 8.2.2013. 21:00
08.02.2013 Friday 21,00 h
Re-opening of the third season with
Rock Duo "Livingstone"
Maggio 2012.
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 18.5.2012. 21:00
Rock duo "Livingstone"
Best Rock Cover Songs of All Time
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 11.5.2012. 21:00
Jazz Night
Zoran Majstorovic (guitar)
Henry Radanovic (bass)
Aprile 2012.
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 27.4.2012. 21:00
At Wine Bar "Loza", Friday is evening for the Bossa Nova rhythms, with the duo "Lemon 3".
Legga più »Marzo 2012.
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 16.3.2012. 21:00
Razz -Jazz Night
Denis Razumović & Zoran Majstorović
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 9.3.2012. 21:00
Happy Women's Day wishes "Loza" Wine Bar with Jazz duo "M & M" as a gift to you.
Legga più »Febbraio 2012.
Wine Bar LOZA, LovranVenerdì, 24.2.2012. 20:00
The duo "Timeless" entertains you in Loza. Enjoy the popular songs, and hits!
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