Location View Description Started Camera Model Image Size GPS Direction
Hotel Milenij,
Opatija, Slatina
Maiden With Seagull & Lungomare January 2007 AXIS P1343 800x450 45°20'0,90''N 14°18' 21,41''E E 090°
Location View Description Started Camera Model Image Size GPS Direction
Hotel Milenij,
Opatija - Slatina
Opatija Panorama from the Hotel roof March 2010 AXIS P1346 1920x1080 45°20'2,60''N 14°18' 21,32''E SSW 195°
Location View Description Started Camera Model Image Size GPS Direction
Hotel 4 Opatijska Cvijeta,
Opatija - Tržnica
Main Street Cam - Maršala Tita (next to no.81) April 2010 AXIS 211 640x480 45°20'17,23''N 14°18' 32,52''E SW 225°
Location View Description Started Camera Model Image Size GPS Direction
Bella Vista,
Opatija - Pančera
Slatina Beach panorama June 2011 AXIS M1114 1280x800 45°19'52,55''N 14°18' 9,23''E NNE 010°
Location View Description Started Camera Model Image Size GPS Direction
Villa Dinka,
Volosko - Port
Volosko Port Panorama November 2011 AXIS P1344 1280x800 45°21'7,08''N 14°19' 21,02''E SSE 160°

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giovanni - 20.08.2014 04:16

Bella abbazzia peccato che il tempo abbia guastato il soggiorno. Devo trovare un buon ristorante di pesce a prezzi convenienti. Qualcuno di voi sa darmi un consiglio.

Susy - 18.08.2014 08:49

.....Sehr gerne, LG an Euch!

schnee - 17.08.2014 17:44

oberhalb Opatija

Marco - 15.08.2014 21:57

Guter Tipp Susy, Danke

barbara - 13.08.2014 08:41

vielen, vielen lieben dank für die hp !!!!!!!

so kann ich auch "mein" lovran sehen, aber bis zu 07.09 ists ja zum glück nicht mehr lange

Susy - 11.08.2014 20:37

Hi für alle Opatija-Liebhaber....hab eine neue Webcam-Seite gefunden: www.tz-lovran.hr...
ihr könnt Opatija...Volosko...Icici...Ika...Lovran........sehen ;-) Viel Spaß dabei und liebe
Grüße an euch alle....;-)...habt eine gute Fahrt/guten Flug...und himmlische Ferien <3

miro - 11.08.2014 14:23

od tržnice do madonine 10c razlike????

paola - 09.08.2014 11:31

Stara Baska on Island Krk. Most beautiful beaches on Croatian cost. Nr.1 on tripadvisor attractions. Visit Stara Baska and have the best of untouched nature.

miro - 09.08.2014 10:16

non guardate le temperatzre per che queli sono matti da legare 22???minima di notte era 24,,,

miro - 09.08.2014 10:13

ciao cugini.bresciani.

PIETRO & LORY - 08.08.2014 21:49

un saluto da brescia hai cugini di abbazia ....ciaoooo

Franzl - 07.08.2014 16:10

keine Leiter so weit oben.

miro - 06.08.2014 11:39

opet ta temperatura 21?????????????????????????????????????????'

Hasi - 05.08.2014 18:42

Was soll das??????

Nico - 05.08.2014 14:24

Sono 15 anni che sono venuto da te Opatija mi sei rimasta nel cuore ora mio figlio Luca e mia nuora Daniela sono venuti loro da te rimanendo appagati del posto !!! Ciao Opatija !!!

Caterina - 05.08.2014 14:10

Splendida Opatija sono tanti anni che non sono piu tornata pero ti porto sempre nel mio cuore...rpcwb

Luca di Genova - 05.08.2014 13:36

Vacanze ad Opatija finite. Nonostante luglio dal clima molto variabile luogo incantevole e rilassante. Perla dell'Adriatico e' appropriato.

maria - 05.08.2014 10:10

alle auf Urlaub.

arni - 05.08.2014 09:08

ist denn keiner in der lage diese web cam zu reparieren.

bojko - 05.08.2014 08:33

Htjeli bi da je sve prepuno turista a nesposobni ste da odrzavate 5 obicnih kamera

Marco - 05.08.2014 07:41

Wie lange bleibt die Webcam noch "ausser Betrieb" ?

mao - 04.08.2014 18:31

The dark side of the Opatija...

sergio - 04.08.2014 15:43

All cameras are absoluteli "kaput". c'mon! a little love for Opatija.

opatija - 04.08.2014 14:12

bei sonnenfinsternis

Marie-E. - 29.07.2014 10:50

von Opatija in Richtung Icici ist zwischen dem Restaurant Ariston un dem Restaurant Mali Rai ein sehr schöner gepflegter Hundestrand.

dieter - 28.07.2014 18:54

Vielen Dank für Eure Hinweise bezüglich "Hunde-Strand"

Schöne Sommer- und Ferientage am ---Opatija-Strand ---

wünscht Dieter

Susy - 28.07.2014 18:40

Richtig, ist beschildert. Tipp: In Ika bei der Fakultät (ist angeschrieben an der Hauptstraße
von Icici her kommend in Richtung Lovran) ;-) LG an Alle!!!!

HJ.Holzner - 28.07.2014 12:58

Ja gibt es ist beschildert!!!!!

dieter - 28.07.2014 10:47

als großer Opatija-Liebhaber möchte ich fragen, ob es in oder in der Nähe einen

Hunde-Strand gibt.

Vielen Dank für Eure Antworten

miro - 27.07.2014 15:49

ciao bresciani piove da voi???

Taco - 27.07.2014 12:58

Postovani voditelji Add Commenta,
brisite molim vas moj Commentar ( Taco ) od 22.07.2014/ 16:36
sati.Hvala unaprijed

Taco - 22.07.2014 16:36

Ciao Kujin,

nadan se da Ugotu dobro gre???
Kako vidin va Opatije ni bas lepo vreme?! Ako Ugota kontaktiras lepo ga pozdravi
i daj mu moju E-Mail adresu: evidavor@versanet.de
Puno ti hvala i cemo se cut.

Peter - 22.07.2014 16:10

Die Analphabeten gibt es auch wieder, ja die Dummheit stirbt nicht aus, oder ?????????

Franz Josef - 22.07.2014 09:02

hast nen Schreiblehrgang der Volksschule hinter Dir, oder was soll das ?

Sergis - 22.07.2014 08:04

????? ????? ??????, ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????? ? ???. ??????????? ???? ????????????? ?????? ? ??????? ??????

Kujin - 21.07.2014 15:45

Taco - Ugo je prisal va Opatiju i tu je do 14.08. ( ujutro je pul Barića) javi mi tvoju adresu da mu dan da te more kontaktirat


miro - 19.07.2014 09:29

temperature su vam super izmjerene,ujutro u 5h bilo je već 25c,more 26?????

Adis&Zurka - 14.07.2014 15:33

FÜR Angeln
Für die Fischerei vom Ufer aus in den Urlaub fragt niemand die Erlaubnis
Die Erlaubnis ist zu teuer!

Philip - 14.07.2014 14:22


Always welcome....just let me know how it's work...

Flo - 13.07.2014 19:55

Hallo, möchte in opatija angeln. Ist das am Hafen(der in der Stadt neben dem Park) erlaubt? Wo bekomme ich Lizenz? Dankbar für jeden Tip ;)

daniel - 13.07.2014 19:06

Thank you Philip

Philip - 13.07.2014 14:27


Take a look on this side, then you have an idea about the apartment... Ivna speaks different languages..


Philip - 13.07.2014 14:24

Hi, Daniel,

Contact Ivna Bilek.... Mobiele telefoon, 00 385 91 527 9550. Telefoon, 00 385 51 271 037.

daniel - 12.07.2014 23:30

Hi Philip,

Next week i wanna travel to Opatija.
Could you send me the address of apartment?

Elena - 12.07.2014 21:17

Thank you Mr Hopper...It would be nice to stay in Icici...

John Hopper - 12.07.2014 18:38

Hi Elena,

We're open all-year around if you have trouble finding accommodations that suit you.
Villa Skakavac, Icici

Elena - 10.07.2014 20:43

Thank you Philip and Ferucio. I will contact you here ,as soon as I get a decision for a date..but I think it will be in coming Winter. Anything at this time of the year?Appreciated.

Philip - 10.07.2014 19:17

Hello Elena,

I was at least 12 times in the last 20 years in Opatija.
I always slept in private accommodations. If you want, I'll give you some tips and good price corpse address (apartment), with sea ...

I was never disappointed and always treated kindly...

Ferucio - 10.07.2014 13:36

Hi elena im in Austrlia and im going over to Opatija and Volosko where I come from originally. Your best deal is to go to Opatija tourist info or one of the private accommodation offices and get private accommodation or look on line before you go . The hotels are the biggest rip of I know I have been going there for the past 18 years in a row and I know. The problem is that during the summer season they try and get as much as they can so it carries them through the winter. Anyway its just a suggestion . Have a lovely holiday.

Elena - 09.07.2014 23:42

Re:Nancy Soldatic.
really Nancy? I am so sorry to hear this. I am planning to travel to Opatija soon, and I was wondering where to stay. As for the rain ...I like the "wet" Opatija...the rain wont` bother me...

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