Looking for Eric

Looking for Eric

Thursday, 22.7.2010. 21:30
The Open Air Summer Stage, Opatija

GB/France comedy
Director: Ken Loach
Starring: Eric Cantona, Steve Evets
Running time: 116 min.

Looking for Eric is a 2009 British/French film about the escape from the trials of modern life that football and its heroes can bring for its fans. It was written by screen writer Paul Laverty and directed by English director Ken Loach. The film's cast includes former professional footballer Eric Cantona and former bassist with The Fall, Steve Evets.
Director Ken Loach said of the film, "We wanted to deflate the idea of celebrities as more than human. And we wanted to make a film that was enjoying the idea of what you and I would call solidarity, but what others would call support for your friends really, and the old idea that we are stronger as a team than we are as individuals."

Read MoreAdded: 05.07.2010 23:23
Last Modified: 05.07.2010 23:23

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