![Kastav Carnival 2011](http://images.opatija.net/najave/005106-002.jpg)
Kastav Carnival 2011
The period between Saint Anthony's Day and Ash Wednesday is carnival time. The town of Kastav has a Carnival Statute which orders that on the first day of carnival time the Zlatna broskva (golden kale) award is presented to the best masked person of the past year. During the carnival, maškarani tanci, masked dances are held; balinjerada, a competition to create the most original means of transport is run and the zvončari (the bellmen) are welcomed. On Ash Wednesday, the last day of carnival, the Pust, as a traditional culprit for all the last year’s troubles is burnt. The explanation of the verdict is called pusna napoved (the carnival chronicle).
Added: 24.01.2011 12:12
Last Modified: 24.01.2011 12:12