BE PREPARED for Carnival Party 9
Carnival Party (CP) is the original Rijeka’s phenomenon that has been initiated by Marabunti Team which has developed into a comprehensive masked madness for more then 10 000 people.
This year CP will offer better, but slightly different concept, and the biggest news is intro parties in several clubs on February 20th: the Filter bar and Palach, Discordia, Indigo Lounge bar ... A day later, January 21st starts shock CP night with top line up and never seen visuals. The central event of CP 09 will be held in a tent on the Gath Karolina Rijecka. In some moments interior of the tent will be fully darkened so that VJ *- ing (*Visual Jeeying - o.net) can be displayed, and the intention is to project the sky. After-party will be in Stereo Hall.
Organizers: Željko Vuković, Tourist Board Ri, City of Rijeka
Carnival Party (CP) je izvorni riječki fenomen kojeg je pokrenuo Marabunti Team koji se razvio u sveobuhvatno maškarano ludilo za 10 000 ljudi.
Ova godina će ponuditi još bolji, ali i ponešto drukčiji koncept, a najveća novost je pretparty u nekoliko riječkih klubova 20. veljače: u Filter baru i Palachu, Discordiji, Indigo Lounge baru ...Dan kasnije, 21. siječnje kreće udarna CP noć s vrhunskim line upom te nikad viđenim vizualnim dijelom. Središnji događaj 9. izdanja CP-a održati u šatoru na Gatu Karoline Riječke. U nekim trenucima šator će biti potpuno zamračen da VJ*-ing (*Visual Jeeying - o.net) dođe do izražaja, a namjera se projecirati i nebo. After party koji se i ovoga puta odigrava u Stereo dvorani.
Organizacija pod vodstvom Željka Vukovića, uz potporu Grada Rijeke i TZ GR & sponzora.
subota, 21.02.2009.
20.00 – 03.00 Gat Karolina Rijecka
Entry: free!
02.30 – 08.00 Official After Party / Stereo Dvorana
Qualias Dead live PA (ex Qualia Six, SLO)
David a.k.a. System Divine (Ri)
Brighton (Zg)
Evan (Rv)
Entry: 40kn
22.00 – 06.00 Party / Discordia
Dibi Dus
Renato Mas
Virgin Helena
Entry: 30kn b4 midnight / 40kn after midnigt
Read MoreAdded: 15.01.2009 02:02
Last Modified: 22.02.2009 11:11