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December 2008.

OpatijaFriday, 26.12.2008. 17:00 - 21:00

Small town Bakar is coming to Opatija to present itself as a part of manifestation "Visiting Opatija" and entertain.

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Hotel Imperial, OpatijaWednesday, 24.12.2008. 22:30

Live nativity scene, L´entertainment, booth with boiled wine and cakes, café works after 24.00h for wisitors after Midnight mass, café Imperial

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LovranWednesday, 24.12.2008. 10:00 - 13:00

Enjoy Christmas spirit in Lovran's traditional event in front of Charles Billich's Fortezza Gallery. Taste delicious local fried sweets "fritule", hot wine and music all morning - 24th of December.

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Market Place, OpatijaWednesday, 24.12.2008. 09:00 - 18:00

Enjoy platefull of sea food and glass of wine and singing of klapa Cinquina in the morning, from 9 am to noon at Opatija's Market.
From 12 o'clock to 18:00 - the concert of Cicibeli band

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OpatijaFriday, 12.12.2008. - 13.12.2008.

Children of Opatija and young counselors from 4th Croatian Children's City Counsels Congress will celebrate their Day on the main street of Opatija under motto "Children in the role of adults". The traffic will be stopped for several hours on Friday December 12th.
4th Croatian Children's City Counsels Congress will take place on December 12th & 13th in Grand Hotel Adriatic.

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RijekaFriday, 5.12.2008. - 26.12.2008.

CHRISTMAS AT THE BRIDGE, event, which spouse to revive the spirit of Christmas and its true significance, help to create a Christmas atmosphere through a variety of cultural, educational and entertainment programs.

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OpatijaFriday, 5.12.2008. - 7.12.2008.

Visitors can choose from a wide assortment of desserts and from other «chocolate» and fun programmes. Unique chocolate sensation, this festival will spread spirituous smell of chocolate all over Opatija where admirers of this sweet addiction will have an opportunity to enjoy on this unique festival.

During this festival the visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy in every other sense on numerous tastings, competitions, exhibitions, film projections and other attractive events on the themes of chocolate.

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October 2008.

LovranWednesday, 8.10.2008. - 30.10.2008.

Marron festival

Maroon festival begins in middle of October in Lovran and in following weekends locals and visitors have organized in picaresque villages beyond Lovran, Liganj and Dobrec different happenings; on Maroon festival (marunada) beside roosted maroons and home made honey brandy (medica) and young vine; in cafés and baker shops are making and offering various delicious cakes, in restaurants you may taste original home made dishes on maroon base; the main party in Lovran is on city Square (called Brajdice) and has all day program of folklore, orchestras and music.
18. - 19.10. DOBREĆ - Marunada
19.10. LOVRAN - 4. Giro di Marunada
25. - 26.10. LIGANJ - Marunada
25.10. LOVRAN - 6. Učka Mountain Trek – adventure race; Mount hiking „Marunada"

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June 2008.

Hotel Kvarner, OpatijaSaturday, 14.6.2008. 20:00

in collaboration with the City of Vienna, the City of Opatija, the Lions Club Laudon-Vienna and the Lions Club Opatija.

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OpatijaFriday, 13.6.2008. - 15.6.2008.

If there is a place that uniquely combines various differences, than this place is Opatija! For where else can you experience the combination of the sea and the mountain, where else can you feel the spirit of the impressive history combined with the modern present, where else each drop of the sea touches the coast with so much love and pride, where else…, oh, there are so many questions that we could ask starting with "where else"!
Aware of what we have, we proudly present and bid you welcome to you the MEA Festival –the Mitteleuropa Abbazia Festival! A festival of history and present, a festival of friendship, a very unique festival…

Opatija open its door to you, just like it always did, inviting you to share its beauty, is distinctiveness, its very own spirit …

The door is wide open – step inside!



FRIDAY 13th June 2008

18,00…Hotel Ambasador – gathering of the participants

18,15…start of the procession through Opatija

18,45…arrival of the participants to the Villa Angiolina

18,50…short show program of the drummers

18,55…presenter's greetings

19,00…mayor's greetings, opening of the festival

19,05… performance by the Društvo naša djeca company

19,15… performance by the children from the Dvorska lepeza company


21,00…end of the programme

SATURDAY, 14th June 2008

09,00 – 12,00….park in front of the Schüler's bust – breakfast on the grass with live music, children's play and animation programme

16,00….small harbour at the Hotel Milenij – Šporer – Jadran beach –Angiolina Park: MEA Festival world

17,00 – 17,45…terrace of the Hotel Imperial – appearance of the Društvo naša djeca company

18,00…gathering of the participants in front of the Villa Angiolina

18,05…Musical introduction

18,15…presenter's greetings

18,20…dance performance by the guests from Hungary

18,30…staging of the foundation of the Tourism Council

18,40…dance performance by the children from the Dvorska lepeza company

18,45…dancing of the ''largest waltz in the history of the Park''



21,00…performance by the KUD Zora folklore group

22,00…performance by the Kolaž band

22,00…line-up of boatmen at the beach


00,15…concert by the Colonia band

02,00…end of the programme

SUNDAY, 15th June 2008

09,00…gathering of the participants in the Šporer gelateria

09,15…promenade and leaving for the church

12,00… gathering of the participants in the Šporer gelateria

12,00…festival closing ceremony

12,15…farewell to the participants

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