A Little Morning Music
Hotel Milenij, Opatija
Milenij hotels together with the music school Ino Mirkovich start a joint project of a unique concerts entitled "Little Morning Music," which will be held on the terrace of the Hotel Milenij this summer. Following the tradition and spirit of Viennese coffee house and music programs typical of this kind of elegant space, Milenij hotels to their guests want to evoke the regal splendor, rest and relaxation in accordance with centuries-old tradition of Opatija. In a series of five small morning concerts, present the exceptionally high-quality musicians from a number of countries.
MORNING PROGRAM - Terrace of Hotel Milenij
Saturday 25.06.2011. - Goran Benevrkić, guitar and Milan Grbic, violin
Added: 21.06.2011 16:16
Last Modified: 21.06.2011 16:16