100th Anniversary of "Mohorovic discontinuity"
Villa Antonio, Opatija
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery od "Moho" - Mohorovicic discontinuity. It is one of the greatest achievements in the field of seismology of all time, and it is credited to Andrija Mohorovicic, seismologist and an outstanding scientist, born in Volosko. You are invited to lecture on "Seismology in Croatia one hundred years after the discovery of Mohorovicic discontinuity" by prof. PhD. Marijan Herak and prof. PhD. Davorka Herak - the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. The lecture will be held on 26th November at Villa Antonio (Nazorova 2) at 11 AM.
Added: 20.11.2010 13:13
Last Modified: 25.11.2010 15:15